Smokeandpoke Blog

Smoke and Poke Blog

Here Are 4 Best Marijuana Strains for Sex: Enjoy Your Best Orgasm

There is a lot of speculation about the effect marijuana has on various aspects of human lives. Does marijuana increase libido, or is it harmful to your sexual activity? The numerous studies are quite controversial, but we’ll try to bring you all the facts in the article, so keep on reading to find out ...

CBD and Libido: How Does CBD Increase Libido

There is a lot of speculation about the effect marijuana has on various aspects of human lives. Does marijuana increase libido, or is it harmful to your sexual activity? The numerous studies are quite controversial, but we’ll try to bring you all the facts in the article, so keep on reading to find out ...

Weed and Sex: How Does Marijuana Affect Sex Drive

Would you like to know if there is a connection between smoking weed and sex drive under cannabis? You will find out how marijuana changes sex mood and desires ...

SmokeAndPoke Blog for People that Love to Smoke before Sex

Smoke and poke is the first dating site for pot smokers. With changes to worldwide marijuana laws, and the general increased use of Cannabis as medicine, many people have found marijuana to be an amazing sexual aid. Current research supporting marijuana’s postive effects on males’ and females’ sexual habits can be found from prestigious organizations like the National Institiue of Health. ...

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